Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Odds and ends

A further note on the deer saga. It seems that there are companies in the States entirely devoted to controlling deer in suburban gardens. It seems that a mult-valence (aka multi-discplinary) approach is necessary. They offer a free deer control survey if you register with their site - but maybe this will not work over here. They also sell ultra sound devices more or less inaudible to us but painful to the deer - presumably on the same lines as the anti-teen devices you can buy. How long would the batteries last?

The stuffing turned out good. White bread crumbs, celery, onion, black pepper, half a pot of dried sage, walnuts and egg. Half done inside, moist and brownish from stomach linings (and so on) around the edges. Half done outside under streaky bacon. A rather crisper and drier quantity.

Otherwise been a rubbish week so far. Many shelves erected in garage to complement all the junk hanging up in the roof. Started a clear out in the house roof - which given several intakes over the last six months was starting to get a bit full and damp. Hopefully this last only due to lack of circulation. The local waste transfer site aka tip gets the benefit of a car load and the allotment acquires some aluminium poles, formely part of a tent. All very liberating getting rid of stuff which one has hung onto for years for what turned out to be no very good purpose. Things which were important for some reason or another once upon a time. Got to make room for the next generation!

But failed to ditch the two Alladin paraffin room heaters which have probably not been used for 30 years. Sentiment proved too much. Well made cylindrical green affairs about two foot tall with a flat tank at the base. They knock out a lot of both heat and water (we managed to rot the ceiling of our first bedsit with the things). Up to a point one can cook on the their tops. We can still get the right sort of paraffin somewhere round here so when the next hurricane knocks out the electricity for a few months we will be all right.

PS: they must be good gear. I remember during the three day week business back in the 70's when there were regular power cuts, OPCS (the outfit now submerged in ONS) had massed ranks of the very same things to heat their offices in Titchfield.


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