Saturday, December 16, 2006


Cupboards incorporated

Work on new cupboard continues. Phase 1 - that is the carcase - now complete. Three front panels just starting. I had forgotten how panic stricken glueing up always seems to be - despite having a dry run. Always seem to be tearing around in the gloom with glue getting everywhere. However the result was fine. Wouldn't do for a polish job but quite good enough for painting.

Found that Messengers - the superior tool shop in Guildford - has turned into Buck and Ryan, which enabled us to solve the Buck and Ryan nystery - that is to say the disappearance of their large shop at the top of Tottenham Court Road. It has, we are told, moved to Southampton Row. Much go and see how much smaller it has got in the process of moving. But a bit of a mystery how such a shop survives in central London anyway. There must an awful lot of suits into fancy DIY.

Then reminded how expensive the fittings are for cupboards. One thinks one is getting it for free with second hand timber and ones own time. But then the fittings cost about as much as a whole cupboard from MFI. But at least I have the satisfaction of designing my own to do a particular job and mine will last for ever. Given the way fashions swing about some people might not regard this as a good thing!

Wednesday was a kidney day. Take a pound or so of ox kidney (why do we call it ox kidney - it presumably comes from a cow along with the beef) fry in butter. Add black pepper and carraway seeds. Add chopped onion. Cook for a bit. Add chopped tomatoes. Cook for an hour or so. Add a few button mushrooms and away you go. In this case with bread and cabbage but white rice would have been better.

The carraway seed tip came in a back to front way from the Good Soldier Svejk where it is alleged that kidneys with carraway seeds is what you get in cheap eating houses as opposed to the kidneys in question which were done in some other way.

The Tooting sofa saga came to a happy ending with it turning out that the salesman's claim that the thing would get in was vindicated. Middle door off and the thing was a doddle with half an inch to spare. But an inch the other way and we would have been into taking all the door stops off and putting then all back again which would have been a rather time consuming business. Not to mention the making good afterwards. Several inches the other way and it would have been out with the front double glazing panel - for which we had neither knowledge nor a suitable screwdriver - Phillips screws cunningly coming in a variety of configurations so amateurs who only carry one or two screwdrivers around with them generally find they have carried the wrong ones. Carefull measurement of holes rules.

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