Friday, December 22, 2006


It's up

Cupboard now on wall after one or two last minute panics and with three out of four decent fixings. Maybe the hard plastic cylindrical fixings I use most of the time for masonry are not too clever for the very soft blocks that the inside wall of our extension is made of. Maybe also I should of remembered Giles' law yesterday. Which says something along the lines that it is no good skimping on preparation because the last coat of paint won't cover it up.

Surrey Education Department may have got peddosteria. One of the two local junior schools, a substantial affair with a large square playground, presumably built after the first war, is having a very expensive but tasteful looking extension built. As part of this they are errecting a five foot wooden fence about a foot inside the existing and substantial iron railings. One can only suppose the idea is to stop peddos peeking in - although the new fence is only slats and will not really stop peeking. Maybe they should have corner towers with cameras and dogs running around in-between the two fences to complete the effect.

More seriously, noticed a short peice in the Telegraph about an eight year old girl who is declining some presumably unpleasant treatment for a recurring cancer. Her parents agree. The health people appear to think they have to overrule them. Not a good situation but I do not think I would interfere with what I think is a private decision.

All of which reminds me that I should do something with the living will papers that I have got hold of. The idea being that when it is time to go, those around one let one go. The lady in TB who first told be about these things put it rather more trenchantly but the idea was the same.

On a lighter note, the same edition of the Telegraph also alleged that a Japanese shop which was more keen to celebrate Christmas than knowledgeable about the whole business decorated their shop last year with a crucified Father Christmas. Not such a bad guess if one only had limited knowledge.

Several pages were given over to the growing obsession with fat people. Maybe the people that did for hunting and have nearly done for smoking need another bunch to have a go at. Maybe if the Conservatives get back in they will ease off on all this nanny stuff.

Visited an establishment which used to be called the Plumbers Arms yesterday. It has now been tastefully refurbished and renamed the Wyvills - this being something of a local name. A school and maybe an estate. I thought I overheard the barman explaining that it was about to be refurbished again. I would like to see the accounts of all these suburban pub refurbishments - most of which strike me as being unecessary and which must cost a huge number of pints' profit to pay for. That is to say £200,000 for a paint job in which I have no interest must represent the profit on around 200,000 pints. Why don't they knock it off the price instead?

Lat but not least somebody near the Wyvils has an adult tricycle complete with derailleur gears and chained to a lampost outside their house. How many years to go before I feel the need for such a thing? Not anything like a convenient as its two wheeled cousin but could much more easily be adapted for carrying substantial loads to the allotment.

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