Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Salt effects

After the pea soup been drinking lots of weak tea. Must be something to do with recent huge salt intake given our virtually added-salt free diet.

Talking of which, some (proper) paper alleged in the last day or so that lady seals in Scotland are having to travel further to find fresh water to drink because of global warming or something and so are travelling out of range of their owners and are so able to do business with free-range males. The question being which aquatic mammals need to drink fresh water? Whales can't and cold water seals are not going to get very far licking ice - and sea ice presumably contains salt anyway. Sea cows in California will have a bit of a problem getting at salt water. What about sea otters? Some Frenchie tried rowing across the Altantic on salt water years ago and claimed it was OK so long as one never allowed oneself to get dehydrated. Wet kidneys could cope with little and often. But the row all went pear shaped for some other reason and I remain to be convinced that salt water is very good for this sort of mammal, even French ones.

Half way through a 1930 history of the 1921 treaty with Ireland by Lord Longford. A good complement to Tom Jones' diary which I borrowed from the Treasury at some point - a pity they have probably sold it off as part of downsizing so now not available for a reread. It is some consolation that one of the factors which made our rulers see sense was English public opinion. People in the street were not prepared to pay what it had become clear that nonsense was going to cost. Not so clever that we promptly fell down the same hole with India.

Now done two front frames out of three for the new cupboard. Not too bad a job but I had forgotten that one cuts the cheeks of tenons first and the shoulders second. It does work better that way around. And maybe I will get into cutting bevels for the shoulder cuts next time. If one cares about the odd thirtysecond - which one would for a polish job - it does make a differance.

More than once senior moment today. The first being a luckily abortive attempt to put a used tea bag in the refrigerator rather than in the compost bucket which lives in the adjacent cupboard. I will keep the second to myself.

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