Saturday, January 20, 2007


Fencing part 5

Perhaps rather foolhardy but cycled to Cheam on Thursday morning. Wind not too bad although caught by a hefty cross wind coming down Howell Hill. This morning quite a lot of small trees down so must have got a lot worse later in the day - as it did in Epsom when I was actually brought to a halt in my own road coming back from the bank.

An expedition which reminded me that Halifax have some way to go before they are a real bank. Great old flapdoodle about withdrawing cash whereas HSBC just get the money out of a drawer and give it to you. The last occasion was when Halifax seemed unable to process a foreign cheque in a foreign currency.

Deer fence now half up. Reminded when it was too late how hard it is to get the line wires even - the way I have done it the last line makes the first look slack. Also managed to buy two differant weights of line wire. The heavier stuff at 2.5mm is a swine to handle with a remarkable tendency to get in a tangle. Again too late, remembered that untangling things by pulling ends through loops is apt to make things worse. The door posts not quite parallel despite best efforts with level - but at least the door fits in the hole even if it does show up the lack of parallelism. Had to chop a few inches off the path outside the fence so that it opened; hopefully it will grass over again. Half way through hanging the first run of chicken wire and finger tips rather the worse for wear - the ends of tie wire being rather sharp after cutting. Like the line wire, hard to get the chicken wire even but it will probably look OK when it is all up. Probably easier when one is doing a long run with proper buttressed posts and wire tensioners. But mustn't moan: definately good fun putting it up - much more so than having to do it for real out on a moor in a howling gale! Maybe finish the job this weekend.

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