Saturday, May 02, 2009


From Ely library

Passing through Ely Market, having done the very dear second hand book stall (stock not much cop either) and the second hand jigsaw stall, could not resist the temptation to sign on from the library there. So now a life member of the Cambridgeshire library, slightly more pack drill than at the regional capital, but not bad at about 5 minutes after which plenty of free PCs.

This morning to the cathedral to renew our annual season tickets. Oddly enough, the girl who let us in is off to Stoneleigh in the morning, just two stations up from us at Epsom. We explained that there had been a riot at the Stoneleigh (I think, a John Barras house) within the last few weeks, probably having necessitated the turn-out of the Surrey police helicopter, not to mention ground based units. Maybe she had better be careful after dark. All those fuelled up bank holiday types.

Cathedral well worth the visit. Particularly struck this time by the lantern and its stained windows, plus the east and west windows. Not to mention the aisle windows which carried various images of lancaster bombers and the like. Makes a change from their staple diets of saints and knights in armour. The carvings in the lady chapel did not seem quick as outlandish as I remembered, although I was struck by the oddness of an age when the ruling ecclesiastics would think it right to vandalise such a place. Luckily, their main concern appeared to be the representation of faces, so there was still quite a lot left. Tried the accoustics again, in a moderate way as I was not alone, and they were very good. Must be a good place to hear music - although I recall the place being very cold in the winter.

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