Thursday, April 29, 2010
Just seen very large headline about a brownout. That is to say our leader made a rude remark about a rude voter which was picked up by a microphone. He then spent the next two hours grovelling.
When I first heard about this after a few sherbets last night, my instant reaction was that he has bottled it again. First there was the election that never was, then he does not fly up into the cloud of killer dust to emerge the hero of the hour and now he does not say that she was a rude voter and while he had not meant to say so out loud, now that he has he stands by his words. Death to all rude voters!
My bet was that such a display would have attracted a heavy positive endorsement from the rude youth of the nation. A politician with the brass to say what he actually thinks is something to go for.
I shall now go away and try to find out how rude the rude voter really was. I wonder if the DT will get into that sort of detail? Do we really have the much less amusing story of our leader being flustered by reasonable questions he had no pat answer for?