Saturday, June 12, 2010


Fodor revisited

Following my notice of a notice of a book about evolution by Jerry Fodor and another on April 8, I have now read another notice of the same book in the NYRB. This one rather more circumspect about knocking Fodor. Maybe they are colleagues at Harvard.

In course of this tutorial on matters evolution, I find that one of Fodor's big points is that just because polar bears are white and polar bears live in a white country, you cannot be sure that the polar bears are white because they live in a white country. Well no. But then, if you are going to be picky, you cannot be sure about anything. And I dare say there is a certain amount of statistical and logical sloppiness about the conclusions of this sort which are drawn by the up the evolutionistas. Bad statistics used to be the bane of shrink write. But, as the shrinks say, you can be a good enough parent. Not great, but good enough.

Still not moved to read the offending book. Getting short of quality time, so the evidence of now two reviews is enough to keep me off the book if not out of print. Evidence based blogging they call it.

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