Saturday, December 11, 2010


My freedom

On the 7th August I paid a visit to the your freedom site set up by the governors so that we, the governed, could exercise our freedom of opinion on a government flavoured web-site. With confidence that someone somewhere in the corridors of power would read whatever it was we were free with. Having, quite by chance, come across the magazine that goes with the web-site underneath some waste paper awaiting recycling on my desk (itself recycled from Vauxhall Station), I thought it was time to give it another try, with the results displayed.

Which rather give the impression that the governors have completely lost interest in this particular wheeze. Perhaps they have moved on to twittering.

Small prize for whoever can work out where the cleggy office is, on the basis of the statue behind. Has he got a prestige second floor office or has he been consigned to the upper regions? Or even the servants quarters?

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