Sunday, January 16, 2011


A sad day

The umbrella from the Mount Gay Rum Corporation needs an overhaul. Having replaced one plastic block with a wooden one (second on the right), the bindings of two more blocks have given way. Far right and far left. Luckily I managed to retain to the plastic blocks this time. But can the BH be bothered to mend the thing? Can I? Is it time to move onto the shiny new Christmas umbrella, hitherto lurking in the depths of the coat cupboard? Bearing in mind that while shiny new, it is nowhere as distinctive as the redrum-brella. Clearly time for a family conference.

PS: for once in a while, while the rest of the web seems to be OK, gmail is very slow. Slower than I recall it ever having been. Are they under attack by the friends of wikileaks? Or is the cause some more mundane loss of some critical bit of infrastructure?

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