Saturday, April 30, 2011


Clever old Google

I happened to enquire about the origin of the word barbecue in window 3 while editing an old post in window 2. Google was keeping an eye on the goings in in window 3 and posted these barbecue flavoured advertisements in window 2. Does one really approve of all this attention to detail?

Hopefully would not have worked had I been using some other search engine in window 3. That is to say, hopefully Mr. Google cannot see the inner workings of Microsoft.Bing. Or maybe it can if I am doing it from Chrome. Always supposing that Microsoft let you use their product inside the big, bad rival product. Perhaps I ought to give Bing a go, just to see.

The surprise is that barbecue is quite an old word with OED listing its immediate precursor, an outdoor cooking word from the Carribbean, from something from 1691.

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