Thursday, April 21, 2011


New technology

Not the same as in the olden days when all you got was a numbered card and you had to try to remember what horse you had backed, how you had backed it and for how much, all through a haze of beer and sun. The only clue was the name of the bookie, with the name being no clue as to where on the course he (rarely she in those days) might be found, always assuming that he had not done a runner. And with your bet having been inscribed by hand into a large ledger by a gent. who could convert a bet into money while he wrote. Computers have taken all the challenge out of on-course betting!

Furthermore, tearing up and flinging away a losing ticket made of substantial card was a much more satisfying act than tearing up these flimsies. To the point where we did not even bother to tear this one up.

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