Tuesday, November 22, 2011



A second visit to the Ripieno choir (http://www.ripienochoir.org.uk/), almost a year to the day since I last noticed them, a touch pompously, on 15th November 2010. I also managed on that occasion to get sackbutts and cornetts the wrong way around: the sackbutt is the elderly trombone and the cornett the elderly oboe.

The same format as last time, with the instruments accompanying the voices most of the time, and being much less loud & brassy than their modern equivalents, achieving an attractive blend with the voices. They got the odd outing to themselves. The programme much the same as last time, mostly Victoria, a 16th century Spaniard. The relatively new church, All Saints at Weston Green, impressed as much as last time. Ideal venue and even Pevsner is polite about the place.

We sat much nearer the front this time, which had pluses and minuses. A plus being that one could hear better and a minus being a loss of the balance & blend one gets from being a bit further away. But an excellent concert and I was reminded of my thoughts after attending service at Guildford on or about October 4th, this despite the rather earthy words of some of the Victoria material. We shall be back for their Bach concerts next year.

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