Friday, December 23, 2011



I moan from time to time - most recently on December 20th - about the antics of the Chain Saw Volunteers. No problem when they trash chunks of our natural heritage.

But when it comes to making our local school bigger - Stanford Green Primary - which could be done with much greater comfort if the school was allowed to grab a chunk of green space - no go at all. All the ecofaddists are parading the streets of Epsom. Chaining themselves to the railings of the town hall.

What I have in mind is that the school has pots of land, the only problem being that it is landlocked. Only one narrow road to the outside world; a road which reaches the outside world near enough to our own house to mean that we have lots of Chelsea Tractors parking outside at school start up time in term time. So a simple solution would be to punch through, from the pots of land, to Christchurch Road, well away from our house and possibly through the allotments. Maybe grab a bit of Stamford Green to make a roundabout so that the Chelsea Tractors are not a hazard to themselves or others on the reasonably busy Christchurch Road.

If the allotment holders get too stroppy - and they include plenty of people well up for making an effective fuss - just buy up one of the houses on Christchurch Road. Although one might argue that growing food on allotments is not very green at all. Much more efficient to grow food on a large scale. All this small scale farming dreadfully inefficient. One only has to think about the enclosures in the past: all very sad for the cottagers at the time but you can't stop the march of history.

Maybe sell one or two of the pots of land for housing to pay for it all.

PS: one should remember in all this that there is no-one who makes as much fuss about smoking as an ex-smoker. Or in this case, an ex-allotment keeper (twice).

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