Monday, June 11, 2012


Waking thoughts

Woke up to think about the oddness that while most of us do not like to dwell on death in a serious way, certainly not one's own, at least while one is in reasonable health, many of us do like to dwell on plastic death, the sort which populates detective stories like 'Mrs McGinty's dead'.

Perhaps something similar is going on to when we watch horror films in order to discretely scratch all kinds of infantile fantasies and desires. As it happens, a sort of film which I used to consume up to the age of around 25. Then from the age of around 55, television detectives. I forget what, if anything, happened in between.

Or is it nothing more profound than the open sesame that murder conveys, rather in the way that 'security of state' does - both in spy novels and real life? We need an excuse to be peeping through keyholes.

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